ASCENSION is the shift in consciousness from 3D to 5D, and this universal process begins with YOU! You can consciously access your own highest self. Become your own guru. Make your reality a match to awakening and enlightenment. THIS IS THE ULTIMATE LIFE HACK.
In the spiritual world, "ascension" refers to entering into an entirely new dimension, known to many as fifth density love/unity consciousness. This "Golden Age" has been prophesied by many, from Nostradamus to the Mayans. Much wisdom can be gained from such ancient teachings throughout the ages as they have predicted the shift we are experiencing now. Current research also confirms an increase in energy, as we move through this natural cycle in the Aquarian domain. Science confirms this in many ways, from the rapid acceleration of the Schumann resonance to the warming not only of earth, but other planets in our solar system as well.
Let's bring together some more scientific facts to see the whole picture. Modern physics proves that matter is really frozen, condensed light. Another word for the profound omni-presence of light is pure consciousness. Further, we know that our bodies are predominantly water. Dr. Emoto's studies have shown that thought, intention and prayer a have a major effect on the formation of crystals in pure water. Check out more on his work here. So, really we are all light beings and made of 80 percent water. This means we are all completely subject to the myriad of emotive influences of the environment around us. It becomes clear that we are the bi-products of consciousness itself, not the other way around. Consciousness does not stem from our minds, rather, our minds are created by consciousness.
We all come from the same light body often referred to as "Source," which in scientific terms, can be thought of as the primordial photon. The phrase "I am that I am" really means there is no separation between any one of us and Source itself. With this concept in mind, it puts interconnectivity on a whole new level of significance than ever before. During this time of increased unity consciousness and great change, it feels like anything could happen. Some expect a solar flash that will cause dramatic effect at any moment. Others talk about a pole shift that could wipe out all life on the surface of the planet we call home. The fake news drums on about catastrophic economic collapse...Whatever we are making ourselves a match to as a collective, the probable timelines will follow accordingly. The law of attraction makes it so.
What about the inner projection of ascension? Ascension can also refer to the individual energy body as it is indeed a microcosm of the macro-universe. Ascension within is the process of personal awakening where your cellular structure literally opens up to integrate more divine light in physical form. This process shifts your core vibration into a higher frequency timeline matrix (5D). Your chakras, meridians and light body receive an upgrade, which activates dormant DNA and yields a true multidimensional nature. This is how you access more flow, alignment and synchronicity. This is why it is so crucial to look within. We cannot give anything away that we do not have to give ourselves. So if you do not love yourself, how are you going to start loving the world you live in?
Our inner worlds are our outer worlds. Physical reality is just a manifestation of our internal belief systems. Where attention goes, energy flows. Thought forms literally create our own reality. Want to manifest your wildest dreams? Start by harnessing the power of thought. Then ascension can become within reach of us all. The next step in this process towards a more compassionate and unconditionally loving humanity then is to indoctrinate a "service to other" mentality within our communities. The elite have managed to conquer for centuries with consumerism, media control and governmental propaganda. This has created an addiction epidemic in our society. Materialism seems to dominate the masses and whatever we set our sights on next, once we get it, it never seems to be enough.
Well, we say "enough is enough." Humans will never be deeply satisfied as long as the pursuit for happiness lies in the material. True wellbeing comes from within, and this comes from being of service to others. This is the only true way to imprint profound meaning-making into your life experience. To gain self-esteem, we do esteemable things. One of the constants in any religion is "treat your neighbour as you would thyself," or plainly put: "don't be an asshole." But let's take this concept a step further and put it out there: You won't be truly happy until you find your own unique way of supporting the ascension process. We all secretly yearn for the opportunity to implement our true life purpose.
This is why "spiritual autonomy" is the buzzphrase. We all have a purpose. Everyone has their very own, authentic, original, unique way of making a profound contribution to the betterment of humanity. But what with all of the distractions (work, iphone, media madness, threat of nuclear war, fear porn overload, etc.) it starts to feel impossible to even believe this to be true, let alone try to make any headway on finding your own purpose. Society has made this notion into some kind of esoteric nonsense that gets you bullied in the playground. Some might have discovered it (usually through some kind of rock bottom themselves, like addiction or a near-death experience), but most plod along with life never daring to question the obvious. What's it all about? Why are we killing Mother Earth? How can you make this planet a better place? Is it possible to eradicate suffering? If you are asking yourself these questions, then you are certainly on the elusive spiritual path.
We are here to make these obscure ideas your next reality. We work with cutting-edge modalities in order to help you find your own unique purpose, and how to go about launching it in a way that works for you. Every being is different, every experience can be processed in a myriad of various ways, and we understand that. This is why we advocate bespoke healing and guidance programmes for each client to ensure you get the most support. Defining a clear intention is imperative for you to start making a real difference on planet earth. All we have is this moment. We cannot afford to become complacent, it is now time to act. Faith without works is dead, and this is a call for action. Join our crusade for the good of humanity. Let's take a collective stand against human suppression and suffering once and for all, one individual at a time.
Changing your inner world changes the consciousness of the matrix forever, like waves rippling out to sea. Ever heard of the 100th monkey effect? If we get enough of the world population to awaken to the ascension process, we will bring the collective consciousness to the tipping point. This will usher in a new time of peace, awareness, compassion and light. The work starts with you, integrating your shadow aspects, healing your traumatised inner child, getting in touch with your true self, and finding the most effective way you are destined to help humanity. (We'll give you a hint, Passion = Purpose!)
We also treat ascension symptoms (aka a healing crisis): - body temperature fluxes, rigors, sensitivity to hot/cold, hot flashes and/or chills - healing crisis: cold or flu-like symptoms that appear and disappear suddenly without escalating - digestive issues and extreme changes in appetite - pressure and tingling on your scalp - increase of senses, such as smell, vision, hearing, taste and intuition - sudden food intolerances and allergies - changes in sleep patterns, waves of fatigue, restlessness and insomnia, waking up at 3:00 am - unusual dreams, increase in dreams and lucid dreaming - increase in twitches, muscle spasms, itching, and unexplained heart palpitations - joint aches - lack of coordination, dizziness or feeling unbalanced - Sporadic bursts of heightened energy, feeling manic, anxiety and panic attacks - feeling intense vibrations or pulsating waves of energy - feeling over-sensitive, mood swings, hysterical bursts of laughter, anger or crying for no reason - mystery rashes and unexplained skin changes -increase in synchronicities (meaningful coincidences) - feeling generally out of it - isolating more and feeling detached from others - losing your identity and feeling called to "go within" - a deep yearning to go home, despite not know where home actually is - feeling like something is about to happen, sense of urgency - brain fog and lack of focus - time distortions and losing track of time - a strong desire to find your true purpose, feeling unconditional love and unity consciousness - technological malfunctions increase in your presence - increase in divine revelations and moments of deep truth